Is The Playschool Right for Your Child?

Best Play School Near Me

Toddlers are inquisitive. They ask a lot of questions. There is a reason for it. The first few years of a child are formative. Their brain develops at an extremely fast rate at that time. This fast rate of brain development slows down as they grow older.

Today, parents are aware that playtime develops the brain cells of a child. Playschools have sprung up everywhere to help develop the learning abilities of children. Which preschool is the best play school near me? The Knowledge that the playschool near me is the right one for my child is of utmost importance.

Knowing the right playschool for your child

Top playschools in India have some things in common. They have developed a properly planned curriculum and proper infrastructure aimed at gently combining play with learning for young kids. There are a few points to consider while selecting the right playschool. These points can be separated into three groups.

  • Curriculum
  • Staff
  • Infrastructure

Let us examine each in detail. This will help us in our search for the right playschool.


A good curriculum will have an integrated approach. Young minds ask a lot of questions as they grow. They constantly learn new things through their curiosity. Their social skills are constantly developing. They are learning words at a rate that will never be repeated. A good curriculum must integrate play activities and learning activities.

Some important points that must be part of the curriculum:

  • It has to be a meticulously planned one.
  • It must not be burdensome for the children.
  • There must be a progression each day.
  • It must be designed to develop and fine-tune the skills of children.
  • It must be designed to develop gross motor skills and fine motor skills.
  • It must build all four areas of communication skills i.e., listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
  • It must include playtime to develop physical abilities.
  • It must include the development of skills like drawing, arts and crafts, music, and dance.
  • It must include practical life exercises.
  • It must impart knowledge in a storytelling format.
  • It must have a good combination of indoor and outdoor activities.
  • It must include education through sports.

Playschools that have the above points included in their curriculum make the best impact on the little minds.


The staff of the preschool is a principal factor that makes a difference between a playschool and the best playschool. The staff can be separated into two parts.

  • Teaching staff
  • Administrative staff

The teaching staff must be qualified to instruct young children. To be effective, they must be warm and friendly. They must be willing to play along with the children. They must have the skills to implement the curriculum in a friendly and fun-filled manner. They must have an important level of practical experience in teaching and training kids in their formative years.

The administrative staff, on the other hand, must be qualified and experienced in the day-to-day activities of the preschool. Administrative staff can run the preschool in a smooth, seamless manner.


A good infrastructure is responsible to create the right atmosphere for the physical and mental growth of children. Since the children will spend an average of 3 to 4 hours each day at the preschool, the infrastructure of the preschool must provide a good environment for the young kids.

Some points to look for in a good infrastructure:

  • It must have comfortable rooms with ample space.
  • The classrooms must have the latest in teaching technology like specialized computers and smartboards.
  • The facility must be carpeted to ensure the safety of kids.
  • The facility should be clean and hygienic.
  • There must be adequate safety measures like fire extinguishers etc.
  • The cafeteria must provide wholesome and nutritious meals so important for mental development.
  • The staircases in the facility must be broad enough to accommodate playful children.

A playschool is meant for the overall development of your child. A preschool near me is right for my child if it will impart social, physical, and academic development of my child. It is important to check if the best play school near me can prepare my child for the intense academic school life of my child. If the playschool fulfills the qualities, then it is right for your child.

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